ESSE Conference

31st August - 4st September 2026
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Calls for Participation

The Department of English and German Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela has the pleasure of welcoming you to the 18th ESSE Conference, which will take place from 31st August to 4th September 2026.
As is tradition, the conference will consist of a combination of plenary lectures, parallel lectures, roundtables, seminars, posters, and the Doctoral Symposium. Details of each format and how to participate can be found below.




A select group of renowned experts, representing the key disciplines of English Language, Literatures in English, and Cultural and Area Studies, will be invited by the Organising Committee to deliver plenary lectures. Each of these speakers has been chosen for their significant contributions to their respective fields.






In addition to the plenary lectures, approximately 12 parallel lectures will be featured during the conference. These lectures will be delivered by members of ESSE, nominated by their respective national associations as explained below. Each presentation will be 45 minutes in duration and those selected to present will receive a full waiver of conference registration fees.

We invite National Associations to propose candidates for the parallel lecture sessions. A maximum of two nominations per association will be accepted to ensure a diverse and balanced selection process. National Associations should submit a description of their nominees’ lecture topic along with a concise CV. Nominations should be submitted through the national association’s President or designated representative and forwarded to the Academic Programme Committee (APC) by 1st May 2025 at

Depending on the number of proposals received, the APC may implement a selection process. Key criteria will include the proposal’s relevance and appeal to a broad academic audience, as well as its potential to engage with recent advances or fresh perspectives in English Studies. The APC will also prioritise achieving a balanced representation of key disciplines -English Language, Literatures in English, and Cultural and Area Studies- and striving for equitable representation of national associations wherever possible.




Proposals for seminars related to the three fields mentioned above must be jointly submitted by two ESSE members from different national associations. In some cases, the APC may permit one of the convenors to be a non-ESSE member (for example, if they are based outside Europe), provided their involvement is deemed especially valuable for the seminar. Each seminar proposal must include the convenors’ names, affiliations, email addresses, and a 300-word description of the seminar’s topic (excluding bibliographical references). Please send your proposals via email to by 1st May 2025.

The APC will consider the proposal’s international appeal and its potential to engage with recent advances in English Studies as key selection criteria, while also striving for a balanced representation across key disciplines -English Language, Literatures in English, and Cultural and Area Studies- wherever possible.

Unlike roundtables, seminars are not pre-arranged sessions and will be featured in the APC’s upcoming call for papers. However, convenors are encouraged to actively recruit potential contributors. The seminar format aims to promote interactive participation from both presenters and the audience. To foster engagement, presentations should be delivered orally rather than read from a script. Further guidelines will be included in the corresponding call for papers.


Individual Seminar Contributions


The call for seminar contributions will be launched in September 2025, once the list of accepted seminars is finalised. Those wishing to submit a proposal must send a 300-word abstract (excluding bibliographical references) to the convenors of their chosen seminar by 31st January 2026. Information regarding the organisation of seminar sessions, including the number of papers per session, will be made available on the ESSE 2026 website in September 2025, along with the full list of seminars and contact details for the convenors.

Seminars will feature a range of academic papers and discussions. Each presentation should last 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion. Exceptionally, convenors may need to request shorter presentations to accommodate more participants in their sessions.

Participants at ESSE 2026 are limited to presenting a single paper during the conference, whether it is a sole-authored or co-authored contribution.




The aim of roundtables is to present topics and problems currently seen as shaping the nature of the discipline. At a roundtable, a pre-constituted panel discusses issues of fairly general scholarly or professional interest in front of, and subsequently with, an audience. In other words, roundtables are not sequences of papers but should rather be approached as debate sessions. Proposals should include a 500-word description of the topic (excluding bibliographical references) and the names and affiliations of at least three participants (including the convenor), who must be drawn from more than one national association. The maximum number of speakers will be five.

Please send your proposals to by 1st May 2025.




Posters will be devoted to research-in-progress and project presentations. The aim is to provide additional opportunities for feedback and personal contacts. Further details will appear on the conference website in September 2025. Proposals of not more than 300 words (excluding bibliographical references) must be sent to by 31st January 2026.




A key feature of the ESSE Conference is the Doctoral Symposium, which upholds a tradition established in 2012. This event offers young scholars the opportunity to present their research and receive valuable feedback.

Information regarding the Doctoral Symposium will be announced in due time.




Submission of proposals for parallel lectures from national associations to

1st May 2025

Submission of proposals for seminars and roundtables from prospective convenors to

Submission of individual papers for seminars to seminar convenors


31st January 2026

Submissions of individual posters to

Registration will begin on 1st March 2026



Anita Auer (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Zeltia Blanco Suárez (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Vladimir Z. Jovanovic (University of Niš, Serbia)
Ludmilla Konstantinova Kostova (University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria)
Alberto Lázaro Lafuente (University of Alcalá, Spain)
Paloma Nuñez Pertejo (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Noemí Pereira Ares (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Jorge Sacido Romero (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)